History of Migration in Ancient Greece

History of Migration in Ancient Greece

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The history of migration in ancient Greece reflects the conflict and turmoil that wracked Greece from the 11th century BCE to the end of its Dark Ages in the 9th century BCE. These migrations led to the settlement of Mycenae, the islands of the Aegean Sea, Cyprus, Minoan Crete and the western shores of Anatolia by consecutive waves of Aeolian, Ionian, Doric, and Achaean tribes. These were more arbitrary occurrences rather than the planned colonizations of a mother city, later led by mythologized heroes in the mold of Homer’s Aeniad. Mycenae became the first mainland Greek civilization, and the Trojan Wars it became embroiled in are the bedrock of early Greek history.

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Society: Routes

Society: Colonization

Society: Dorians



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Ionia: Ionian Islands

Ionia: Ionian Dodecapolis

Northern Provinces

Northern Provinces: Byzantium

Northern Provinces: Chalkidiki

Northern Provinces: Crimea

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Northern Provinces: Euboean Islands

Northern Provinces: Propontis

Northern Provinces: Thrace

Southern Italy: Magna Graecia


Sicily: Colonies

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