History of the Heroic Era of Ancient Greece (Members Only)

History of the Heroic Era of Ancient Greece

a key to global education: Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

Experience the History of the Heroic Era of Ancient Greece with WisdomMaps: The Future of the Past!


Our digital history of the Heroic Era of ancient Greece is that of Greek mythology over the course of six generations from the coming of the Dorian settlers to Thessaly to the Greek return from the Trojan War. It was said by Hesiod to be one of the five Ages of Man, and includes the expedition of Jason and the Argonauts and the Trojan War. Its heroes are merely superhuman, not divine, and their exploits are celebrated in the literature of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.

That said, here’s our assortment… please enjoy! When you’re done perusing a map, click the ⇠ back arrow link in the upper left of your screen (not the < link), and you’ll be back here. Any problems, please get in touch at terrence@wisdommaps.info.

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